What is SEO and Why Should You Do It for your Website?

What is SEO and Why Should You Do It for your Website?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique used for a website to rank it highly on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Optimizing your Website for Search Engines can establish your brand’s identity that would attract quality customers and increase the rate of conversions to boost your sales ultimately. It becomes important as users are more likely to choose the website that appears on the first page. The audience that comes to your website through this technique is referred to as Organic traffic.

SEO is not just important for online businesses but also for ones with offline stores. People like to research before they make a buying decision. And if your business does not have a solid online presence, you may be losing out on a lot. There are several methods to increase your website’s ranking on a search engine. The factors that affect the ranking of a website are categorized as on-page SEO and off-page SEO. It is vital to look out for both of them as that’s what defines a good website.
On-page SEO incorporates the use of high-quality keywords and adjusting the website’s content according to it.

In off-page SEO, the backlinks are the key component to attract people to your website which is basically promoting your website through guest posting or social media. Though, the source of your backlinks should be legitimate.

Keyword density should also be taken care of. It is the number of times the keywords are repeating in the content of your website. The appropriate use of keywords plays a very significant role in order to include your website among the top-ranking websites. Using similar keywords as that of the content of your website in H1 tags, Meta Descriptions, Backlinks & Permalinks are ways to boost your website’s ranking.


SEO gives your business a significant boost by improving its ranking organically. After your initial costs, SEO requires zero expenditure for each customer’s visit whereas it is not the case with PPC. For PPC, you have to pay for every click whether it leads to conversion or not. Once you reach on the top of a search engine, you can be consistent with that by just continuing with your SEO efforts. If your website reaches organically on the top, it would have more credibility than a paid ad.

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